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B i o g r a p h y

Jayleena Pfaff

a.k.a. Jaylee, Jay, Jay Jay, Jaylee Bean


Born: April 25, 2005 

Favorite Color: Purple (used to be red)

Favorite Food: Watermellon

Favorite Season: Summer


I was born in Allentown, PA. Because my birth Mother was not able to take care of me, God made sure I was placed with the best foster family EVER; and as soon as they could, they adopted me. I have twin sisters and a brother. This is us at the Philly Zoo. 


When I was little, I was very sick with seizures and other neurological challenges, reflux, asthma, food and environmental allergies; but my Mom and Dad learned a whole lot about using foods and natural medicines to help me get better. Now, I am healthy and able to do what I love most: GYMNASTICS!


I'm super competitive, but mostly with myself. I always want to beat my previous best score.


When I'm not in formal gymnastics at Parkettes, I like playing with my dogs, watching movies, listening to music, practicing gymnastics in my basement and on my trampoline, and spending time with my friends. 


I think I may want to work toward being an elite gymnast so that I can try and make the national team and compete around the world. I'm not sure though. I do know that I want to compete on an
awesome college team! I love watching how they support each other and have so much fun! 


After that, I want to open my own gym and coach other kids. I may also want to be a veterinarian  and own a bunch of dogs.

Jayleena Pfaff, USGA competitive gymnast, with her siblings
Jayleena Pfaff, USGA competitive gymnast, with her BFF
Jayleena Pfaff, USGA competitive gymnast
Jayleena Pfaff, USGA competitive gymnast
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